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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When will spring be here?

I'm so tired of the cold rainy weather here. It makes the days drag on. The girls go stir crazy sitting inside all day. It even effects how I feel.... I'm more tired and sluggish. I just want to feel the warm sun on my skin again!

Well I get my IUD out in a couple days... and I've been a little worried because I think we may have screwed up. I had planned on not having sex a couple days before getting it out just in case I could get pregnant right away. Well DH and I BD'd on Sunday. I wasn't even thinking at the time. Then I realized that it was only 4 days before my IUD removal. Sperm can live up to 5 days. You see where I'm going with this? I think I've already ovulated, but I don't know for sure because my cycles are hard to track with this thing. But I have been worrying myself with thoughts of the small risk that I could get pregnant right after getting my IUD out because we had sex 4 days before. I googled some answers and yep, doctors recommend not having sex 10 days before getting an IUD out if you don't want to get pregnant. I considered calling to reschedule my appointment for a later date. Then I talked to DH. He reminded me that I should just pray about it and leave it up to God. So that's what I'm going to do. That and it just so happened that today I had TERRIBLE cramps due to this stupid intrauterine device from hell. So my hot date with the gynocologist for Thursday is still on.
I got my OPK's in the mail today too and I had DH buy condoms for the first time in a long time so we are ready to embark on learning NFP. I may order a BBT thermometer too and chart. We'll see. I know I sound like a broken record but I just hope that we can use this method successfully. I want to be able to practice effective birth control without the effects of synthetic hormones and foreign devices in my body.

It is 10:20pm and I can still hear my 2 year old singing and talking to herself in her bed. She has so much energy! On the other hand, Hailee is a great sleeper. And she needs her sleep. Speaking of which, I think I need some sleep tonight. Goodnight :)

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